Articles in Chinese Language

Rediscovering Chinese: An ABC in China

The youngest bird has left the nest. That bird, figuratively, being me. I was thousands of miles away from my home, but obtained an unforgettable experience. This summer, I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to intern with Hutong School in Shanghai as a Marketing Intern. Growing up, I had always thought of myself …

14 Jul 2016
By Ida Speyer

Learning Chinese with Chi-Nesisch

How are you learning Chinese? Check out Hutong School’s latest partner, Chi-Nesisch, a German company that offers online courses to help people learn

4 Jul 2016
By Ida Speyer

The Untranslatables

Learning Chinese is a difficult task for many and when translating Chinese words into another language, people will inevitably bump into difficulties at a

11 May 2016
By Laurence Provost

How to do business in China: A Practical Language Guide

Business in China mostly follows the same pattern: greeting, meeting and eating. Let’s go over some polite forms of address.

21 Apr 2016
By Laurence Provost

Hutong School Moscow - First classes and cultural activities

We’re happy to announce that the first classes and cultural activities have started at our Hutong School Moscow branch and our new students love it!

4 Apr 2016
By Laurence Provost

Chinese Pronunciation - How to Avoid Tripping Over Unfamiliar Sounds

Wrestling with common Chinese mistakes like Chinese pronunciation and Chinese tones can be a big challenge for learners and lead to many blank stares.

7 Mar 2016
By Nathan Thomas